Sunday, August 21, 2011

Did you know you are surrounded by zombies?

Popsicles - Winter Storm - Telephone Poles

Given to me by yet another high school buddy, Crystal, the telephone poles whipping their cords at a legion of popsicle sticks was the first thing to enter my head. Adding in a winter storm allowed for those pesky icicles to form to use as ammunition against these wooden undead hoards. I've never been asked where popsicles come from, I've never given much thought to where those little sticks come from, either (though when I was little I thought tongue depressors were used popsicle gross is that?). But in the vein of Calvin & Hobbes, a particular favorite strip of mine, I framed the scenes in a B.S. story. Notice the bio-hazard symbol on the Ice Cream Man's collection box. Brain freeze? No, those bastards are trying to get AT your brain!

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